Saturday, July 18, 2009

We've MOVED to a NEW site

moved to a new site. Click link:

Excellent now lets do another one

Just wanted to say good job to everyone today. Jake that was awesome that you pushed through even though you have torn hands. So what will be going on for Saturday? Well first we will be meeting at 4:30. Now for the WOD.

Big Dawgs:
21, 15, 9
Box jumps
KB swings (1.5 pood)
Sumo deadlift high pulls

Same as above with less weight

Friday, July 17, 2009

CF Central - Fittest Games Challenge WOD

Before checking out the WOD, check out Abby activating her shoulders and creating a great girdle to perform Overhead Squats.

Warm Up:
Agility work/ladder, 5/60's,
15,12,9 Squats/Supermans

The Hand Ripper:

4 rounds:
10 deadlifts (225 lbs)
10 pushups
15 pullups

Warm Up: 800m run, 15/12/9 Squats, Supermans

4 rounds:
6 deadlifts
8 pushups
10 body rows

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Working on the Cleans

Cleans (Squat)

3 3 3 3 3

followed by:

20 push press (65#)
20 burpee pullup
10 push press (65#)
10 burpee pullup

Spartan 300 Challenge

25 Pullups
-135 lb. M/95 lb. W
Box Jumps
Floor Wipers -
135 lb. M/95 lb. W
50 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
-35 lb./25 lb.
25 Pullups

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Results from Push Jerk WOD and Monday WOD

3 rounds:
5 push jerks
10 burpees
Run 400m

Diego - 7:32 *135 lbs
Iceman - 7:46 *135 lbs
Mike - 7:47 *175 lbs
Mario - 9:02 *125 lbs
Papa Raza - 9:08 *175 lbs
Big Bad Bex - 9:43 *85 lbs
Vero - 14:16 *85 lbs

Run 800, 21, 15, 9 WOD:
Vero - 14:04 deads 65 lbs
Mike - 16:50 275 lbs
Papa Raza - 20:35 225 lbs
Diego - 20:46 225 lbs
Mario - 22:18 225 lbs
Iceman - 24:16 225 lbs
B3 - 24:42 135 lbs

Video of Tuesday Workout

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Can everyone say PR?

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."
- Arthur C. Clarke

That effort today was awesome. In one month we've all gotten stronger and faster. I like that because everyday we are working on weaknesses and building our strengths so that we can have great work capacity. Dutch Lowy, a beast Crossfitter, once said in an interview that he trains so that he can move heavy shit and move his body quickly. So, when we train, that is what we are trying to do everytime, and today we all did that.
Like I said in the previous post, everyday we are working to get better for the competition on July 25th. So, over the next three weeks, I'm going to be pushing everyone to what I forsee is their limit. I can't do this alone though, we all have to band together and push each other every day. As much as we compete against one another everyday, at the end of the day we're a team/family.

So that being said, here is what will be going on over the remainder of this week. First, I'll be going out of town after the workouts tomorrow to go look for apartments in Austin. That means Thursday is being declared a rest day....but don't get too excited. The plans for Friday and Saturday are double WOD. The WOD's won't be determined by me, but we will be working with the WOD's that are provided by the 2009 Crossfit Games. Start eating right, and start planning for two days of hell. Afterwards, Saturday is the birth date of BIG BAD BEX. We will be partying that night (Saturday) at the Bleu Room, everyone should go.

Burping Jackie:
1000m row
50 thrusters (bar)
30 burpees

Order in which people will go:
1 - Mario, Diego
2 - Jake, Mike
3 - Javi, Becky

This WOD is a repeat from a month was exactly a month ago that we did it, lets see if we've gotten any improvement, for those of you that were doing lighter weight, I want to bump it up.

So So good work, keep it going.

3 rounds:
Run 400m
5 push jerks
10 burpees

15 minute cutoff

Work on snatches/OH squat as a skill

Good job everyone again...damn hard work out...kind of sucked don't ya think?

Jake (115 lbs) - 8:03
Diego (115 lbs) - 8:20
Becky (75 lbs) - 8:30
Mario (95 lbs) - 8:50
Mike (175 lbs) - 8:54
Javi (175 lbs) - 9:30 So good work, keep it going.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gearing up for competition - First place Big Bad Bex

Picture from Crossfit Houston Summer Challenge


Workout of the Day.
So how many of ya'll out there, see a workout and immediately cringe because your not sure you'll be able to perform the weight as Rx or the reps as Rx? Well, tonight I was sitting here in my bed and really wanting to put something together that would best prepare us for what we might be facing in a competition. Then it got me thinking about how I react when I see what WOD's are posted for Competitions. Before I get into what our WOD is, I'm going to tell you about a couple of times that had me crapping my pants. It was a couple of days before the Austin Fittest Games Challenge Championship, and the WODs were posted. First WOD, Phat Running Cindy, what was it? 4 rounds for time of: run 400m, 5 chest to bar pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats (115 lbs). I thought, ok that's not so bad because it was nothing I hadn't seen in the past. Then WOD 2, this is where I crapped my pants. WOD 2, 20 minute cutoff: Row 500m, 10 SQUAT CLEANS (155 lbs), 2 C2B pullups, 8 cleans, 4 C2B.........Row 500m.

I was scared, I immediately went home and started practicing my cleans and even went to an olympic lifting coach to work on my cleans. I ended up finishing the workout in the cutoff time, but didn't perform as well as I wanted. I did however perform to the best of my ability at the time. So I'm telling this story because in life, or in a WOD we will always be faced with something we think we CAN'T do. This defeatist attitude won't get you better though, it is better to fail and have tried then to not have tried at all. WE all need to get better.

As we get ready for competition, I was thinking we should all get cool nicknames. All suggestions will be taken throughout the week, here is what I have so far.

Jake - Iceman
Diego - Al Chile or (AC)
Becky - Big Bad Bex
Mario - Illy
Mike - ???? <----help me out here


Run 800m
21 deadlifts (Rx 275, 150)
21 clapping pushups
21 pullups
Run 400m
15 deadlifts
15 clapping pushups
15 pullups
Run 200m
9 deadlifts
9 clapping pushups
9 pullups

First WOD of the week, get it done.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

7/4 July 4th....The Fourth of July

So here was todays WOD. Sorry for the late post.

4 rounds for time of:
7 squat clean/anyway overhead Rx 155 lbs/85 lbs
7 burpees
Run 400m

Mike - 15:23
Diego - 15:46
Jake - 16:40
Becky - 16:41

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rest Day

Rest Day, eat well, recover, and get ready for what is coming on the 4th of'll be a doozy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Preparation is key

WOD for Thursday:

4 rounds:
5 ring dips
10 pushups
15 back squats (135 rx)
Run 400m

Get some Sleep <------good blog post from San Francisco Crossfit

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

WOD for WED and Robb Wolf

So before we get into the WOD for the day, I think this next article I'm going to link is a good read. Robb Wolf heads the nutrition certs for Crossfit and this article talks about when to go high or low carb postworkout. Read the article, you'll learn a lot and be able to figure out what YOU should be doing. ROBB WOLF on CARBS

WOD for WED:

3 rounds:
15 Overhead Squats
7 Sumo deadlift high pulls
Run 400m

Javi: 11:39 Rx
Mike: 9:50 Rx
Jake: 13:13 Rx

Diego: 11:10 (75 lbs)
Mario: 9:03 (75 lbs)
Becky: 10:11 (55 lbs)

Vero: 10 minutes

Spending Tuesday with the Bear

GREAT JOB everyone yesterday. Sorry I didn't finish the workout, I was just totally physically and mentally exhausted from the day before.

Tuesday's WOD:
5 rounds:
7 reps: (Starting from floor, power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press)<---each sequence is one rep

Javi - 95, 95, 105, 115, 145
Becky - 65 across
Mike - 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
Diego - 95, 105, 115, 125, 125(3 reps)
Mario - 95, 95, 95, 105, 115
Jake - 95, 105, 115, 125, 125 (4 reps)

Here is a video from the day we all did Fran, sorry Becky and Mario

Saturday, June 27, 2009

WOD for Monday -Crossfit Football

Make sure to read the post before this, it kind of recaps the Houston Summer Challenge. As for the WOD for Monday, here is what will be going on.

First, we'll be welcoming Rupert Flores to the group, make sure to cheer him on.
Also, here is a great post about the dreaded weight scale: Mark Sisson on the Weight Scale


20 minutes As many REPS as possible:

On the minute every minute perform:
5 burpees
As many thrusters (135 lbs) as possible

We're aiming for a total of 100 thrusters, lets get close to that mark

Crossfit Houston Summer Challenge

So Sunday is a rest day, but I wanted to say congrats to some people from the competition. First, congrats to Becky, she got 1st after only 3 months of Crossfitting. Then I want to also say congrats to my bro as well as the guys that finished in the Top 3 of the competition.

Men Standard:
1st Vic Zachary (Crossfit Games Qualifier)
2nd Anthony Mungioli (correct my spelling) (Dude is a beast! BIG UP's to this guy)
3rd Scott Wells (I think his first name was Scott) (Beast as well)

Another notable at the competition was Spencer Nix.

It was a really fun and good time. David De Leon came out as well as Dennis Martinez and of course Jake. There presence was much appreciated. I will say that everyone, even the spectators had to endure some crazy heat. It was basically like a garage, with no air flowing through in Houston humidity. Everyone was sweating. I ended up placing around 8th or 9th, and was pretty happy to break the Top 10. I also wanna give a shout to all the guys that showed up from Crossfit Laredo: Phil, Marco Polo, Matt, and Nicole represented Laredo well. All beasty performances. There is supposed to be a Crossfit Laredo Games Challenge in the last week of July. I encourage everyone to come out and take a shot at competing at this challenge. It'll definitely be fun. It's crazy to think how far Crossfit has come along. My friend David talked about a competition last year at which the only spectators were his parents. This competition had guys lounging around, enjoying the sport, and having some beers. All fun. I'll post some pictures of the event soon, just got to get them on my computer. Have a nice rest day.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Crossfit Houston and your WOD for Saturday

Go to Track:
Run 800m forward
run 400m backward
run 800m forward
run 400m backward
Just wanted to give ya'll a heads up on what we'll be doing in Houston this weekend.

12 min cutoff
Row for calories
Deadlifts (225 lbs)
Burpees over parallettes

15 min cutoff
5 rounds
30 wallballs
7 sumo dead lift high pulls (95 lbs)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rest Day, Rest Day

Rest Day today, I'll have something up for Saturday. Also check back to the blog because I'll have some articles posted for some good reads on the rest day.


Well I'm traveling...but here's the your time to comments.

100 pushups
100 squats
100 situps
100 burpees

Read this talks about leaning out Robb Wolf on Leaning Out

You can't move on to the next exercise until you finish all 100. Good luck, see ya'll monday

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Run Forrest, Run!

Good job yesterday, everyone hit PR's!...It's always good to push yourself further than you think you can go.

SAY NO TO GRAINS <------------------Read this article

So for today's WOD:

1 mile run
at kreuger field

MEET AT MY HOUSE by 5:30. We'll be leaving the house at 5:30, so if you're late then meet us at the track.

Monday, June 22, 2009


All I should have to say is Grace!

30 clean and jerks for time


Javi: 3:55 Rx
Jake: 5:43 Rx
Becky (65 lbs) - 4:26
Diego - 8:57 Rx
Mario (115 lbs) - 8:30
Mike - 4:06 Rx

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Do a Handstand!

I really enjoyed my rest day, and I hope everyone else did too. Tomorrow's workout is going to be similar to Helen. For those who know of Helen, we know that it involves running a 400m, 21 kb swings, and 12 pullups. BUT...we're going to follow the mainsite for tomorrow. Therefore, the workout they posted was.

3 rounds:
Run 400m
21 kb swings
12 handstand pushups

Friday, June 19, 2009

Good Job, Good Job

So...everyone was a little tired from Fran, and we just have one more workout to finish the week. Here is what were going to do:

5 rounds:
5 deadlifts
10 burpees

The weight on the deadlifts is going to be the same weight we used on Monday. So if you were at 295, then ur pulling 295 on this workout. It's only a combined total of 10 more reps. We'll be good. We're working out at 345.


Today is Fran day. I posted the video yesterday, so I hope everyone got to watch it. Sub 2 minute Fran is an amazing physical feat.
Let's get some things straight here though. Some people will consider Fran the "Mecca" of Crossfit, a sort of "Crossfit Championship"; However, Fran isn't this. It is just another workout that Crossfitters do to create a well rounded, physically prepared athlete. I compare the way people look at Fran, to the way people at Big Gyms look at bench press. One of the first questions asked is always "What's your bench?" in a big gym, and one of the first questions asked when Crossfitters get together is "What's your Fran time?"

It's not that important. While it would be great if we could all post Sub 2's and Sub 3's, it's not the make or break workout. The whole point of Crossfit is to be good across different athletic endeavors. Therefore, we're going to do Fran today, and everyone is going to put emphasis to its importance, but it's just another workout.

On that note: Today's WOD:

Thrusters 95 lbs/65lbs

Let's get some good work done, and remember, around 80% of physical composition and performance is coming from what your putting in your bodies. We all need to eat better to get better.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

REST DAY - good food

Recovery...Rest...all for Fran

Before the video of Fran, here is a link to a good article from Mark's Daily Apple. It talks about gaining muscle...and he mentions why Crossfit works. READ!!

Gaining Muscle - Mark's Daily Apple

Who is Fran? 21/15/9 - Thrusters & Pullups

Here is a video of the fastest Fran so far. Jason "Rhabdo" Kaplan:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gonna touch the sky!

The Results to Tuesday's workout are posted to that day's blog post.

We're going to go with an AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of:

10 burpees

DAMN DAMN DAMN!!! Soreness!

Javi - 9 rounds
Jake - 9 rounds
Mike - 12 rounds
Becky - 11 rounds + sprint
Diego - 10 rounds + 8 burpees
Mario - 10 rounds

Thrusters - max reps
Javi - 23
Becky - 8
Mike - 21
Jake - 21 (BEAT THE DEMON!)
Diego - 7
Mario - 2 (first time handling 95 lb thrusters)

50 burpees for time - 2:28

Good work Tuesday, hopefully we'll get even better Wednesday.
Here is a video of Robb Wolf talking about nutrition. I'll be trying to find more videos on the nutrition aspect of Crossfit. If you have any specific questions ask me or Becky, if we don't know the answer we'll try and find it. In the fewest words possible heres a basic breakdown: Eat meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, little starch, some fruit and no sugar.
ROBB WOLF - Nutrition

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hoh Noh...Overhead with Curtis P....The last member of the WOLF PACK

RESULTS for WOD below:

Good freakin job yesterday guys. The weight we threw up on deadlifts is damn good. The Goal for everyone is to get to the next century mark, 200, 300, and 400. Here are Javi and Jake, some Sho'nuff Fitness veterans doing some non Sho'nuff things. Before we get into the WOD, I want everyone to read this:

Are You Over-Training, or Under-Recovering?
Written by Calvin Sun

Are you really overtraining? Sure, you might be experiencing some of the symptoms of overtraining but are you really training that hard? Michele’s post on overtraining suggests that working out without rest leads to the condition. I agree with Michele that people who do two workouts everyday under the assumption that more is better will quickly hit a point of diminishing returns. However, in my experience, I think the larger problem for the majority of our athletes is not training enough. Let’s be honest, on average, how many days a week do you train? If you only manage to get in 3 or 4 days a week, you are not overtrained. Yet you complain of fatigue, altered sleep patterns, mood swings, increased frequency of illness, persistent muscle soreness, and weight loss. Have you ever considered you might be under-recovered? You might not be doing too many WODs, instead you probably aren’t doing enough to make sure you are properly recovered from your training. Rest is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to recovery. There are many aspects to proper recovery:

Nutrition is the biochemical foundation that fuels our bodies. You can’t repair muscles without adequate intake of high-quality protein. Chicken, fish, beef, and eggs are all great choices because of their complete amino acid profiles. Carbohydrates are stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen. You need to eat some quality carbohydrates in order to replenish yourself. Vegetables, fruits, and some starchy tubers (i.e. sweet potatoes) are all good choices. Grab one of Michele’s delicious “Invictus Shots” after your next WOD to make sure you are getting the fuel your body needs. Don’t forget to eat some healthy fat as well. Besides serving as an energy source, fat helps you absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K. Read the The Paleo Diet for Athletes by Dr. Loren Cordain for more information.

Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. During sleep, your body releases a chemical cocktail that will help enhance your recovery and give you the greatest benefit from your training. Muscle tissues are repaired and the central nervous system is rejuvenated allowing for you to train at peak performance the next day.

Rest Days
As I mentioned earlier, Michele is spot on with this one. If you are training hard enough, you will need to rest once every 2 to 3 days. Following a 3-on/1-off schedule or even a 3-on/1-off/2-on/1-off schedule would serve to benefit you. Active recovery is great, go for a swim, a quick jog, or even a round of golf.

Myofascial Release
The repeated microtrauma from training everyday can take its toll on your body. Adhesions and trigger points can lead to all sorts of pain in both your muscles and your joints. Grab a foam roller and start rolling out your muscles. Lats, pecs, traps, glutes, quads, and hip flexors are the hot spots you’ll definitely want to hit everyday. Lacrosse balls are great for calves and glutes as well. The taped balls are perfect for rolling the thoracic erectors as well performing t-spine mobilization. Feel free to schedule a massage but you’ll want to make sure you are doing some damage control on a daily basis.

Do not save the stretching for rest days. Tight hamstrings, tight calves and tight hip flexors are often to blame for the pain and injuries experienced by athletes. Do yourself a favor and stretch out after every workout. You don’t have to stretch out immediately after the WOD. I realize people have to get to work or get home for dinner, just make sure you do stretch sometime between the completion of your workout and your 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Lay off the Motrin. There is a normal healing process that occurs after an injury. The first 2 to 4 days are the inflammatory response phase. This phase is essential for initiating the healing process. When you take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, like ibuprofen, the entire healing process is halted. Read more in Kelly Starrett’s article.

Instead of drugs, use ice as it can help with the inflammation associated with the muscle soreness experienced after training. Use ice packs, ice baths, ice cups, ice massage, just not ice cream.

Fish Oil
Supplementing your diet with fish oil can reduce inflammation as well as help lubricate your joints. Read Mark’s post here. Dietary supplements should always be the last thing to add to your recovery program. Make sure your nutrition is solid before adding fish oil or any other supplement for that matter.

Having an effective and comprehensive recovery program in place is essential for your continued success as an athlete. Failing to do so will inevitably lead to training plateaus and/or injuries. You should strive to combat under-recovery with the same persistence and dedication that you have in your training. Remember, elite human performance requires an equally high level of maintenance and care.

The WOD of the Day:
4 rounds
10 Overhead Squats (Rx 95 lbs/65 lbs)
5 Curtis P's

So what is a Curtis P?....It'll be my first time with it as well.
One rep = hang squat clean/left lunge/right lunge/Push press

It is going to suck, so bring your game face.

Becky 14:38 (55 lbs)
Diego 14:41 (75 lbs)
Mario 17:25 (75 lbs)
Mike 10:35 (95 lbs)
Jake 11:08 (75 lbs)
Javi 13:05 (95 lbs)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cooo Cooo Cooo Coooooool BEANS!!!!!

Saturday's workout went well, We ended up going with:
50,40,30,20,10 Squats
10,20,30,40,50 pushups

Becky posted a 10:30 with REGULAR pushups...killer
Jake and Diego ended up at the 15 minute mark as everyone was smoked by the pushups
Javi finished at 9:59
Mario at 14:42

As for Monday. The workout is going to involve some good movements.

5,4,3,2,1 HEAVY deadlifts
50,40,30,20,10 Sit-ups with Ab Mat

Mario (255 lbs) - 7:14
Becky (165 lbs) - 7:23
Diego (205 lbs) - 10:10
Javi (305 lbs) - 6:49
Jake (295 lbs) - 7:40
Mike (325 lbs) - 5:36

I want to add a link here to a cool blog that talks about appearance vs. performance. It is pretty interesting...give it a read.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

??? THURSDAY June 11

Everyone post your time to the comments section if you can, I totally forgot to jot them down and have forgotten. That is my bad.

NICE WORK EVERYONE...Fight Gone Bad just totally murdered all of us. I want to say congrats to everyone. We all hit over 200. See ya'll tonight for the Crossfit Movie "Every Second Counts"
So, Becky kindly posted the numbers to the comments. Here they are.
Diego: 209
Mario: 202
Becky: 242
Mike: 307
Jake: 218
Javi: 242

The workout for Thursday will be....Fight Gone Bad! There will be some variations, but here is what the workout will look like Rx.

Each station is a minute each, with a one minute rest period between the completion of all 5 stations. 3 rounds. A total of 15 minutes of work.

# Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
# Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
# Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
# Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
# Row: calories (Calories)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Paleo that OOOOOO - WEDNESDAY June 10, 2009

Here's a cool video of how to tape your hands, it works, I've used a method like this before, but this method takes you step by step

HOW TO TAPE from CrossFit Fury on Vimeo.

SNATCHES...lots of and lots

50 snatches (we'll help you find a weight, for many it'll just be the bar)

Me (65 lb) - 2:17
Javi (65 lb) - 3:37
Diego (65 lb) - 4:10
Jake (45 lb) - 4:52
Mario (45 lb) - 4:40
Becky - FULL SQUAT Snatch - Somewhere around 4 minutes because she restarted about 15 through in order to get the full range of motion...BEAST

Work on Rings afterwards...ring dips? muscle ups?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wanna borrow my vest? - TUESDAY June 9, 2009

So good work, keep it going.

3 rounds:
Run 400m
5 push jerks
10 burpees

15 minute cutoff

Work on snatches/OH squat as a skill

Good job everyone again...damn hard work out...kind of sucked don't ya think?

Jake (115 lbs) - 8:03
Diego (115 lbs) - 8:20
Becky (75 lbs) - 8:30
Mario (95 lbs) - 8:50
Mike (175 lbs) - 8:54
Javi (175 lbs) - 9:30
Vero (NorCal On Ramp) - 7:45

Good work everyone...see you tomorrow.

Let's Get Started

So from now on, I'll be posting the WOD to this blog for the day. That being said, times will also be posted to the comment section or possibly edited into the blog, I'm not sure yet. So far, we have about 6 people training. My sister, Javi, Jake, Diego, and Mario along with myself as well. So now to the WOD:

15 mins:
2 Cleans on the minute every minute

for every rep missed, 5 burpees


Becky 65 lbs
Mario 95 lbs
Diego 115 lbs
Javi 165 lbs
Me 165 lbs

JAKE?????? NO SHOW!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Crossfit Level 1 Cert - AGAIN

So, I started training my friends this past week. The first week went really well and starting on Monday, I'll begin to post their times and workouts to the blog. However, for the weekend I'll be in San Antonio at the Crossfit Level 1 Cert at Alamo Crossfit. I went to a cert about 5 months ago, but I hope this experience will just bring me greater knowledge. We'll see what happens and again we'll start posting times soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Definitely Terrible Tuesday.

Today I decided to go with a WOD that Speal and Dutch did in a video about a year ago.

10 thrusters
50 double unders
8 thrusters
40 double unders
6 thrusters
30 double unders
4 thrusters
20 double unders
2 thrusters
10 double unders

Thrusters at 135 lbs

Speal did it in around 3:53 and Dutch finished a little over 4 minutes. It took me a whopping.....


Back in Austin Monday

Today I went to the track and put on my 20 lb vest.

I did 4 rounds for time:

50 air squats
all with 20 lb vest


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Double WOD Saturday

SO today I did 2 WOD's

I started at Gold's Gym and did Grace in 5:43

Grace is:
30 power clean and jerks at 135 lb

Then I went over to Crossfit Laredo and got smoked.
I did Nate.
Nate was...
2 muscle ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings (35 lbs)

I ended up doing something around 15 rounds...Guys in there whooped my butt hitting somewhere around 17 and 20 rounds. Good job guys

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday the 7th

Today I went heavy with squat cleans followed by a mainsite WOD:

Squat Cleans:
3 3 3 3 3


10 Rounds for Time:

3 dead hang pullups (45 lbs)
5 strict pullups
7 kipping pullups


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5/6/09 - Done with School

So today was officially the last day of my undergraduate career. I began my strength training once again. Today I went with a heavy lift first, followed by a heavy short met-con.

I started

5 5 5 5 5

335 - only 3 reps

I then moved onto a workout that I had told Javi to do yesterday. It was:

5 push jerks - 165 lbs
50 squats
4 push jerks
40 squats
3 push jerks
30 squats
2 push jerks
20 squats
1 push jerk
10 squats

It took me 7:01 to do took Javi 9:29

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today I did a random workout. I'm not sure how many meters it was, but what I did was:

4 rounds:
with 25 lbs dumbbells in hand
run across field
10 thrusters
run across field
10 burpees


Monday, May 4, 2009

Crossfit Regional WOD 3

WOD 3:

21, 15, 9
box jumps
kb swings (54 lbs)
sumo deadlift high pulls (95 lbs)

Finished in 5:41

Ended up 22nd overall

Crossfit Regional WOD 1

WOD 1:

10 squat clean/any way overhead (155 lbs)
500m row
10 squat clean/any way overhead (155 lbs)
500m row
10 squat clean/anyway overhead (155 lbs)
500m row

Finished 30th in this event with a time of 12:47

Crossfit Regional WOD

50 chest to bar pullups
50 burpees

I did it in 5:07, I placed 9th in this event....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today's workout was

7 rounds:
10 sumo dead high pulls
10 ring dips


Monday, April 27, 2009


Before I go into what I did today, I'll cover yesterday's WOD

3 rounds of:
400m run
21 dumbbell swings at 50 lbs
12 pullups

with a 20 lb vest, WOD also known as Helen

It took me 10:49

Today I did:

7 rounds:
10 Sumo DL HP at 95 lbs
10 ring dips

6:30 PR

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A couple of days ago

A couple of days ago, I did my own programming and did a workout that I'm working on naming. So far I've named it Shitty upside/down Cindy.

Workout is:

4 rounds:
5 squat (225 lbs)
10 burpees
15 chest to bar pullups

I did it in 10:41...Javi hit it at about 10:15


I've been away from the computer for the past couple of days because my computer was infected. Well anyways...Today I hit up the WOD from last years Crossfit Games.

The WOD consists of:

5 rounds:
5 deadlifts at 275 lbs
10 burpees

I PR'd it with a time of 4:04. This was 26 seconds off my previous time of 4:30

Javi did the same workout, but his back is a little tweaked so he's working up to good deadlifts. He did the workout in 5:04 with 135 lb deadlifts.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


So yesterday I was able to throw a small workout. I did 3 rounds of the BEAR complex. I started at 95 lbs and ended at 135 lbs.
The Bear complex is 7 reps of the following scheme: power clean to front squat, to OH press, to back squat, to OH press back to floor.

Today I was able to do a lot more.

I started with a 500m row at 1:43

Then I went 3x3 on push jerks at the following weights.
175, 185, and 205

I rested for about 20 minutes and went into this WOD:

4 rounds for time of:
3 deadlifts (315 lbs)
4 squat cleans (165 lbs)
5 handstand pushups

I ended up at 9:35 for this.

4 minutes later I did another 500m row sprint. This time I hit a new PR of 1:39...

Friday, April 17, 2009

3/17/09 - REST DAY

Today is a rest day...but heres a video of the Fittest Games Championship from 2 weekends ago...check it out.

CC-Fittest Games-Part 1 from CrossFit Central on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today I did the workout from the Crossfit Laredo...
It was:


95 lb Thrusters
Ring Dips

I finished it in 6:50....good workout...I liked it...check out Crossfit Laredo's website at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today I started off with deadlifts:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

375 PR
385 Failed

Then I did:

4 Rounds:
5 push jerks (155 lbs)
10 burpees


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Alright...So I'm back in Austin...just got done with a good rest day...

I did a 500m row in 1:43 today....its my new PR

I then moved to back squats:

5X2 at 275 with 1 minute rest in between each set.

Then Javi and I did this workout:

3 squat cleans (155 lbs)
6 swings (70 lbs)
9 wall ball shots (20 lb ball)

Javi finished in 12:59
I finished in 8:41

Till tomorrow

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today Becky did:

500m row
25 pullups (green band)
20 kb swings (15 lbs)
15 situps
10 burpees
5 sprints
10 burpees
15 situps
20 kb swings (15 lbs)
25 pullups
500m row

She did it in 18:00

I did a couple of 500m rows in about 1:45 each.

I also did 30 muscle ups for time at 17:50

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today Becky did:

AMRAP 20 minutes:

10 thrusters (35 lbs)
10 pullups (green band)

11 rounds total

I did:

5 Thrusters (135 lbs)
10 deadlifts (225 lbs)
1 round Cindy

4 Thrusters
8 deads
2 Cindy

3 Thrusters
6 deads
3 Cindy

2 Thrusters
4 deads
4 Cindy

1 Thruster
2 deads
5 Cindy


Friday, April 10, 2009


So here's what I did today...I stole a workout from David's blog.

I did 4 rounds of :

3 deadlifts (315 lbs)
8 front squats (165 lbs)
10 handstand pushups

Becky did deadlifts at 85 lbs, front squats at 55 lbs, and presses at 35 lbs.

We finished the day by doing 21, 15, 9 pullups. Becky did pullups with the green band and I did my pullups chest to bar.

I hope tomorrow to get two WODs in, but I might be hungover...we'll see

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So let me go through what has happened over the past couple of weeks. I competed in The Fittest Games Championship. It was pretty fun, but pretty damn hard. I did a couple of tough workouts with a lot of good people. I just started training for the Crossfit Regional Qualifier. It is going to take a lot of work, but I'll be trying to post up the workouts that I'm getting at. I've started to follow the Crossfit Football website, but am also doing some of my own programming. I'm combining heavy lifts with heavy metcons hoping to build strength. These past 3 days have consisted of the following 3 WOD's and slow lifts.

Heavy Deadlifts
3 3 3 3 3

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

OH squats (45lb)

Heavy Front Squats
3 3 3 3 3

4 rounds:
Max reps 225 lb bench press
Max reps pullups
25 box jumps

Heavy Squat Cleans
3 3 3

7 rounds:
3 jerks 155 lbs
6 pullups
9 burpees

Tomorrow is a rest day, but I might hit the track for some sprints. I also want to post a link for a good Crossfit friend of mine David's website. It is
He's doing good things up in College Station. Check it out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today was a pretty damn good workout day:

I started off hitting some HEAVY deadlifts:

WOD: 5 sets of 3 reps of deadlifts

I started at 275 and ended up at 335. I didnt complete the last set

Then I got my two friends to do variations of fran.

Fran WOD:

95lb thrusters

Then I got my sister to do this WOD:

4 rounds for time of:

7 push press at 45lbs
21 KB swings (20 lbs)
12 burpees

THEN I hit this WOD:

3 rounds for time:

7 push press/jerk at 135 lbs
21 KB swings (50 lbs)
12 pullups

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Yesterday I did:

5 rounds for time of:

5 squat clean thrusters
10 burpees
15 wall balls
400m run


Today I will be doing:

4 rounds for time of:
400m run
10 burpees
20 situps
30 squats
40 pushups

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I missed a heck of a lot of days. I've still been working out. I kind of tweaked my shoulder the other day, but I'm mentally preparing for The Fittest Games Challenge this Saturday. It'll be my first ever Crossfit competition, so along with excitement come nerves. Anyway today I decided to deter away from the Crossfit WOD and hit this up:

5 rounds for time of:
5 135lb squat cleans
10 burpees

I finished in 9:45 and Javi finished in was a damn good workout, we had initially intended for the squat cleans to end in thrusters, but after the first round we realized this wouldn't work out.